Friday, September 12, 2008

Good News & A Call for Food :)

Good News #1: Nate is out of the ICU and back in PEDS! The medical staff is happy to see Nate, and Nate is happy to see them.
Good News #2: Nate is playing video games again! This is good for both morale and finger mobility. Please feel free to stop by and challenge Nate to some Tony Hawk.
Good News #3: Nate hasn't had to have dialysis for a few days! This is great because it means that his kidneys are functioning better.
Good News #4: Nate is eating again! His current favorites are Trader Joe's black licorice, peanut M&Ms, Twix, homemade white bread and candy Runts. The doctors really want him to consume a lot of protein and N8 ate almost 4 oz. of beef yesterday. He is back to drinking milk. Also he's allowed to have fresh fruits and veggies now, so Nate is downing as many strawberries as he can get.
Here comes the call for food: It is important to the doctors to get Nate walking and packing on weight before his next round of chemo. So if there is anything you can think of to bring or send to encourage Nate to eat, please do so. We're looking for some culinary/dietary inspiration.
Thank you for your faith, love and prayers. Our family is so grateful for the way our friends have sustained us and we know that Nate's improvement has been a group effort.


Kristina said...

That is such great news! This blog is such a great idea. We are thinking of all of you often.

Love, K&K&A

Drew and Ava's Grandma said...

Hi Sparks, I'm just reading this now. Is there anything that I used to make that Nate remembers and would like me to bring him? Exactly what video games does he play so I can send a gift and also, does he have a laptop?

Congratulations on the upcoming wedding!

Love, Anne Stimac

Shaughanie said...

hello this is nate,
umm i cant remember anything that u cooked but that was a long time ago so that could be why i dont remember.
umm for the video games i like to play games that involve racing cars motorcycles quads etc...
and yes i do have a labtop..oh and the system i have is a play station 2