Thursday, November 20, 2008

Second round of chemo complete!!!

Nate was released yesterday so he will be out of the hospital through the Thanksgiving holiday. We are excited to see him home and have the second round of chemo come to a successful conclusion. There is a meeting with the transplant team on Friday the 21st and we will have more information after that as to whether he will have a bone marrow transplant or a stem cell. There are more questions than answers right now on the transplant but as we receive more information I will keep you updated.

The Signal which is the local newspaper in Santa Clarita called us up a few days ago asking for more information on Nate and published this article today. The link is below. We appreciate all of the support and love that we have received as a family. Initiatives such as the tennis tournament have turned this challenge into an opportunity for our family, friends and community to learn and be a a part of something bigger than ourselves. We thank you and love you all for your prayers, love and efforts.

Here is a photo from Sr night where he was honored by teamates and busted out of the hospial for a few hours.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Nate update

Nate went back in for his second round of chemo therapy on Oct 20th. The normal course consists of 10 days of chemo, 10 days of down time where the chemo takes effect and attacks his white blood cells and 10 days to recover and then go home. Nate looked strong after the chemo and it took a bit longer than usual for the chemo to really hit. He currently is starting to recover from the therapy. He has been nutropenic for the last 10 days which means that his white blood cell count is so low that his immune response is compromised and he cannot fight infections.
Last week on November 7th he was released for a few hours to go the is football game where it was the last home game, the senior players were honored and it was homecoming. He was excited to go and get out and see his friends. It was great to see him post he anaphylactic reaction that he had to the platelets a few days prior. Nate was honored by his teammates with a football signed by the team. It was a good night for him but tiring and he ended up sleeping most of the rest of the weekend.
Currently he is sleeping a lot (similar to how any teen would and then some) and is hoping to be released in the next 10 days. My parents will be meeting with physicians this coming week to discuss a bone marrow transplant and we will keep you posted on that possibility.
Nate appreciates the visits, prayers and well whishes so please keep hem up.
If I receive photos from Sr. night I will make sure to post them.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Nate reentered the hospital on Monday, October 20th for his second round of chemo. He finished the 10 days of chemo on Thursday, October 30th. He has been reacting to this round of chemo shockingly well. There has been little nausea and his temperature has been pretty normal. Nate didn't need any blood transfusions until Halloween and has been getting platelets or blood daily since then. Nate has been feeling well until yesterday when he had an allergic reaction to his platelets transfusion and went into anaphalatic shock. Thanks to quick-acting nurses he was given steroids, benedryl, and oxygen which saved his life. He still has hives over 80% of his body but he is doing better and starting to improve.
If you are B positive or O blood type, it would be great if you could donate platelets in Nate's name as supplies are dwindling. Thanks for all your support and prayers. We'll post again soon.